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What Brands will this Rack hold ?
Tested with the majority of the major Brands available to artists today, we are finding new brands that fit everyday , we tested with Radiant , Fusion , World Famous , Dynamic Color , Eternal Ink , Solid Ink , Industry Ink and a few others.
How many Bottles and What sizes will it hold ?
It will hold (24) ; .5OZ , 1OZ , 2OZ BOTTLES
Will the Magnets hold the ink securely ?
I don't want my ink on the floor so we designed it to stay put. Even pulling bottles out and pushing them in , it stays secure.
Who makes this ?
I (Sammy Hayden) designed this to solve a problem I've struggled with for decades..."The Ink Drawer". I wanted to be able to see my colors , store them in a more useful and accessible way. Before I found myself pulling bottles out only being able to see the top , so this was designed to take them out of the drawer , or at the very least store them in the drawer in a visible organized way. I hope you enjoy it !